In May, ManuFuture, the platform for the future of the European manufacturing industry, launched a project to evaluate various initiatives by European Union member states and other countries to encourage collaboration between science and business in the area of innovation, technology and industrial digitalization. The Manufacturing Innovation Valley shared 8th to 10th places with two other initiatives on the list of 27 initiatives presented!
Gintaras Vilda, CEO of the Manufacturing Innovation Valley, says: „We presented our project at an early stage of our activities, when the construction of the Manufacturing Innovation Valley building was yet to begin. It is therefore pleasing to know that our business plan and vision for the Valley are among the best initiatives. I believe other countries will find our experience very interesting and useful. I have been presenting our latest activities to representatives of different organisations in Brussels recently, and they speak highly of our emerging ecosystem of innovative manufacturing companies and the business model we have chosen. It was, of course, a bit disappointing that we fell merely two points short of the 7th place, as the top 7 initiatives would be presented to the European Commission and other organisations. But I am sure there are many great successies ahead for our ecosystem and its members.“
ManuFuture’s experts chose Arena 2036 from Germany, Bind 4.0 from Spain’s Basque region, and Copa from Israel as the best initiatives.